Medical Membrane Panel

Medical Membrane Header

Create a medical membrane panel assembly with an urgent delivery requirement. There were no 2D/3D templates available –  just a few drawings for reference.

The Design Process…

A sample was shipped to MNR for review and disassembly to aid in creating the necessary 2D and 3D CAD for manufacture. Upon review, it was identified the previous supplier was not properly grounding areas of the assembly and the specified overlay colors were incorrect. MNR fixed these issues in their design accordingly.

MNR was able to use the few customer drawings and disassembled sample to fully reverse engineer the product, solve the previous suppliers’ issues, and create the necessary 2D and 3D CAD for manufacture.

The Components…

Lorem Ipsum Dolor: Sit amet, ne omnis tamquam offendit cum, populo possim albucius ut sed. Cu affert periculis intellegam sea. An postea eligendi pri, pro ad homero tritani atomorum, consul quodsi ei usu. Ut lobortis pericula eam, illud iracundia eos ut. Eirmod elaboraret te pri, at semper delicata mel.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor: Sit amet, ne omnis tamquam offendit cum, populo possim albucius ut sed. Cu affert periculis intellegam sea. An postea eligendi pri, pro ad homero tritani atomorum, consul quodsi ei usu. Ut lobortis pericula eam, illud iracundia eos ut. Eirmod elaboraret te pri, at semper delicata mel.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor: Sit amet, ne omnis tamquam offendit cum, populo possim albucius ut sed.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor: Sit amet, ne omnis tamquam offendit cum, populo possim albucius ut sed.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor: Sit amet, ne omnis tamquam offendit cum, populo possim albucius ut sed.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor:Sit amet, ne omnis tamquam offendit cum, populo possim albucius ut sed.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor:Sit amet, ne omnis tamquam offendit cum, populo possim albucius ut sed.

Key Project Elements…

Quick Turnaround: MNR overcame the customer’s issue of requiring a designed and manufactured product in a short time frame. Not only was the product delivered quickly but the overall concept was also improved. 

Finalizing the design and manufacture: MNR managed the complete design and manufacturing process. This process was right from component design through to component fabrication and manufacture, ensuring a rapid production approach that resulted in a fully functioning successful product.

Custom Design & Build: MNR  skills enable custom products to be designed and created that are best in class and used in many everyday applications.

The Final Product…

Samples were made for customer review and were approved with much appreciation. A mass production order was placed for MNR to meet immediate demand. MNR was able to fully recreate the customer’s product with little information, solve the customer’s previous supplier issues, deliver samples, and begin a mass production order to resolve immediate demand, in only a few weeks’ time.

The final product MNR manufactured allows the customer to access their medical equipment controls. The final unit assembly helps surgeons to perform more complete disease removal while controlling depth of action with minimal thermal effect. 


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